Friday, July 28, 2023

Conversations with God he said was only information

 Earth is but a grain of sand stuck in my nail bed and yet it's oceans marvel. Giraffes were in fact accidents. While my attention was elsewhere, they slipped through a low latitude vortex. There could not have been more than a dozen but sometimes intelligence outweighs numbers, and so they endure. While on vacation extended to a more godly height I was blessed to see a creature every bit the size of the earth juxtaposed to the size of man with oceans of blood in every heartbeat-a bit like brontosaurus but with shorter tails. Sitting twice on the papal throne I explained to them reincarnation were a fact, yet to this day it's validity is not mumbled even when excessive wine is imbibed at any cathedral.

How to imagine a mountain range on a planet, every bit as majestic as the Rockie Mountains, with a planetary circumference larger than this entire solar system, from Mercury to Uranus and Pluto. Gravitationally no earthling could stand, the pull of the planet would cream their bones; they would not be a bump.

As a point of function and education, God and his kind decide to be smaller. Earth could by measure be the size of an inflatable beach ball, not a grain of sand. His sister would wiggle his braids to get his attention.

He shared one time that evolution certainly does happen. It takes time but can also proliferate in just a couple generations. He said his people evolved. Their progenitor was a creature he described as akin to a large eared rat with lynx like hair tufts from it's ears.

People have always been here. From day one to the present. Hundreds of generations have existed not wondering of yesterday but only tomorrow. Life was observed and interceded. If advancements were recognized, a gift of technology was given. The story of a great end would be gifted and in time a great end would be had. Days would be spent clearing fence and towers so no suggestion would there be of a before. Many hours were spent clearing the affects of man; it's vehicles and roads, it's factories and plants. Most civilizations had no waste. A manufacturer may have produced a confection of caramel nuts and chocolate but you went to the confectioners and bought what you wanted for the week which would be wrapped in wax paper. The bars arrived separated from one another with a paper product like cardboard and wax paper. Trash in fact has been illegal in most societies.  If you wanted something you went to the market and stood in line at a counter instead of wandering aisles. For durable goods you had it made by a craftsman or smith. And most commonly, there were no infants, no children, no teenager. Adults were delivered at the edge of town, fully grown. They were grown by demons and for no reason other than that was what they were for. Evil was not induced nor integral. Women and men were kept separate. Romances like those told by William Shakespeare were not had nor were they made up for a society to believe in by people of the future placing concepts in the minds of gentlefolk because of their belief in history needing to lead to one outcome, them. The egotistical notion that you must one day exist, so your life could be lived was not considered. In fact if someone felt their life was too much to bear a simple chant was said and a timeline would splinter off and life from a determined point would be relived with prayed for stipulations, predominantly that certain events not occur. Life was not to be a burden and was intended to be more than tolerated. Two to three thousand years more of human civilization is possible but for the right god to help us we need to show him we're ready to receive his help by taking down our nuclear power plants. He can then clear the earth of the global contamination of nuclear radiation. There is also a trinary planetary system between Mars and Jupiter which could help us but they require the same thing. They were gifted this technology by the god of gods because millions of years ago they were scientific and were studying nuclear sciences and realized it was potentially too dangerous to learn anymore about.

We have small turbines efficient enough to supply sufficient energy by routing small rivulets and directing them to have sufficient lateral drop and funneling to jet the water to spin the cup sized turbines to supply sufficient electric power to all populations.

God of Christianity said to me he was heartbroken after cleaning up an earth which was ravaged by nuclear war when they had no such technology. He said to me he repaired the earth 150,000 times. He then turned his back on the earth. When he checked again there were populations of large dinosaurs. He was punished by his God for allowing so much evolution to happen. 

He told me he is no longer omnipotent. This was a punishment. He does not have the ability to hear prayers anymore, but that his son Jesus does. Jesus added, to hear prayers the prayer must be ended with, " Jesus' name, amen". Jesus said to me, he asked his God and was taught how to hear prayers. He said learning to hear prayers was a difficult thing to learn to do.

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